Has been struggling for the assignment, thesis proposal and some personal stuff for few month. All of us was so tension and having a stressful life. Non of them seen happy due to the burden from the school. Finally I've finished my exam. Now, I am having my semester break for only 3 week. It's not too short but not too long for having personal plan and schedule. Thinking of leaving from this full of pollution and tension city to somewhere for mentally and physically resting.
Just like the view here, it's so peaceful and beautiful. Did you feel what I feel too? I really wish and hope, I can stay here for more awhile before the sun go down, before the star coming out and saying Hi to us. In fact, there is no PAUSE button in our life. No matter how much we like it, how much want it, how much we long for it, we still can't CLICK on pause or STOP button. The only thing we can do is just appreciate that moment and keep it as the sweetest memories in your life.
There is no one is 100% perfect in this world do you know why? Ans: There is 50/50 principal which means you are the 50% and your another half will be the 50% , when sum it of is 100% That why the love shape come with two
We fight, we kiss, we hug, we text, we talk, we argue, we laugh , we smile and we love. That is a process, that is necessary. You can't skip any one of them, unless you are not interested play this game again.
Essential for relationship: HONEST, TRUST, LOYAL, COMMUNICATION, RESPECT, UNDERSTANDING *there is no specific sequence for this
If you are following this essential, congratulation to you! Your relationship going to be like this. Appreciated.
If you are not, it's not too late for you to learn it also. You are blessing.
Good Nightz.